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The Art That Gives Back shop donates a percentage of all artwork sales to a charity selected by the artist. Details about the artists, artworks, charities, and how much each work donates can be found on each individual work below:

Weathered was a digital photography exhibition at Yonge & Dundas Square and a fundraising campaign for Street Health's Overdose Prevention Site.
Exhibited from August 23rd - September 6th (coinciding with Overdose Awareness Day, Aug 31st), Weathered shared the stories behind the statistics of the overdose crisis.
Families submitted photographs of shoes belonging to loved ones who have died from an overdose. These images and stories were used throughout the campaign online and in-person. Weathered raised over $10,000 for Street Health's lifesaving program.

Life on the Line is a public art project, mental health education campaign, and fundraiser for Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Toronto.
First launching in November 2018, Life on the Line is now a bi-annual event that reaches millions of people both online and in-person. Every year we ask artists to submit artwork related to personal experiences with mental health, where 10 are selected for: exhibition on the Toronto Subway, sale in our e-commerce store (where a percentage of all sales were donated to the CMHA Toronto), in a digital education campaign (including videos, stories, and more)., and at our launch event.